
Summer Conference - Embracing Opportunity

5-7 July 2023
University of Glasgow


Two days of outstanding networking and learning for commercial and campus services leaders.

Wednesday 5th July

09:30-11:30 Pre-conference campus tour with guide (optional - please register here to attend)- Concert Hall

11:30-12:00 New Member Welcome – Bute Hall

11:00-17:00 Conference Registration and Enquiry Desk – Concert Hall

11:00-17:00 Conference Check in - Hunter Halls

12:00-13:30 Exhibition and Lunch – Hunter Halls

13:30-13:45 Welcome to Conference/CUBO Update - Kirsty Woodward, CUBO Chair & Director of Estates & Campus Services, University of Leicester and Jan Capper, CUBO Executive Director – Bute Hall

13:45-14:15 Welcome to the University of Glasgow – Rachel Sandison, Deputy Vice Chancellor, External Engagement and Vice Principal - External Relations  – Bute Hall

14:15-15:00 Operating business in a changing environment - Andrew Murphy, Senior Advisor - Bain & Co Co-founder - GreenFox Energy – Bute Hall

Andrew will talk about the importance of goal setting and confidence in commercial leadership, and of the value in seeing oneself as a spotter and creator of opportunity, more than simply someone who organises teams to ‘take it’ when presented.

Illustrating with examples from his 30 year career in retail, Andrew will reflect on how he has created influence, managed stakeholders and on the richness of learning which comes from a career which contained painful failures, uplifting success and a, frankly, galling amount of mediocrity. 

15:00-16:00 Exhibition and Refreshments – Hunter Halls

16:00-16:45 Panel Discussion – Achieving Net Zero in the HE Sector – Moderated by Charlotte Bonner, CEO of EAUC.

Panel: Helen Rutherford, CUBO Exec Board member for Sustainability and  Head of Campus Facilities Managements, Staffordshire University; Rosie Rayner-Law, Sustainability Business Partner, Gather and Gather; Ian Jones, Deputy Director of Accommodation and Commercial Services, University of Sheffield; Mark Chester - Head of Commercial Finance, Loughborough University - Bute Hall

16:45-18:00 Accommodation Check in - Kelvinhaugh Gate

18:30-19:00 New Member Welcome Drinks – SWG3

New members and first time summer conference attendees are invited to join the CUBO executive committee for drinks and networking 

19:00 to late  Social Evening – SWG3

Thursday 6th July

08:30-09:30 Breakfast, Hunter Halls

09:00-17:00 Conference Registration and Enquiry Desk – Hunter Halls

09:30-10:15 Trends impacting the five year future; how can hospitality and other university services adapt to the fast-changing world?: Kate Ancketill, CEO and founder GDR – Bute Hall

Business Futurist Kate Ancketill will start with the big picture: that we all need to do more with less. She'll set the scene demographically, economically and geopolitically, then hone in on practical, world-leading solutions for retail, hospitality and customer experience that mitigate the challenges. You'll leave feeling optimistic, energised, and empowered to embrace new opportunities

10:15-11:00 The Student Living Experience: A Report from GSL & CUBO and Panel Debate. Moderated by Tim Daplyn, Founder & CEO, Global Student Living  – Bute Hall

Panel: Robin Walsh, Head of Residential Services, Bournemouth University; Deirdre McIntyre, Head of Residential Life, Bangor University. ; Jenny Shaw, HE External Engagement Director, Unite Students; Robert Garnish, Executive Director of Commercial Services, University of Glasgow.

A new report from GSL and CUBO explores national trends in the student experience of accommodation and the key drivers of satisfaction, as well as how different international cohorts rate, choose and experience their accommodation. A presentation of the report findings and panel debate with leading figures from university and private PBSA

11:00-11:30 Exhibition and Refreshments – Hunter Halls

11:30-12:15 Are Commercial Services being done to? Strategic influence – Facilitated Discussion Groups – Seminar Rooms

A chance for members to discuss the role and influence of commercial services within universities, against the backdrop of the post-Covid campus and amid growing numbers of students.

12:15-13:00 Workshops

  • Do hybrid conferences have a future?  Aileen Crawford, Head of Tourism & Conventions, Glasgow Convention Bureau   When words like ‘lockdown’, ‘unprecedented’ and ‘social-distancing’ became everyday use, so too did the virtual conference. Meetings changed, almost overnight, to be something we logged on to, we used platforms we had to get used to, and meetings required us all to learn how to use the mute button! Fast forward to 2023 and what do we think the world of Business Events means to us now? Where does the Hybrid Conference fit in? Come and share your experiences of conferences today and how they work for you. What do your conference organisers expect from your team? Do any of us really want a ‘hybrid experience’? 
  • Linking Sport to Academic Success. Sport and physical activity opportunities have always been an important part of the higher education offer. However in recent years the competition for funding in non-essential services has increased and many institutions are struggling to maintain their programmes and facilities. With many competing demands for resources the benefits of sport and physical activity for students and staff are often overlooked, or it isn’t understood how they can contribute to wider University goals. In this session we showcase how a number of Universities are demonstrating the value of their sport and physical activity programmes by evidencing the contribution participation can make towards student outcomes and University objectives. Phil Steele, Director of Sport and Commercial Services, University of East Anglia and Vicky Ackerley, Director of Residences and Sport, The University of Manchester.
  • The hospitality recruitment challenge - are apprenticeships the answer? Apprenticeships, a way forward! What are apprenticeships? Knowledge, Skills and Behaviours How to engage with Apprenticeship providers. A look into Apprenticeships supporting recruitment, retention and development of your staff. Apprenticeships can offer diversity and inclusion in the workplace and support staff shortages, skills shortages and boost your economy. The benefits of Apprenticeships and how to build an Apprenticeship strategy from the ground up. What commitment is required and how to support an Apprentice Progression and promotion and the future Paul Mannering, Chef Academy Principal , HIT Training
  • Career progression for leaders in campus services Could I do now what I did then? Jo Hynes Chief Operating Officer for Leeds Trinity University talks about her career journey and route into leadership in Higher Education and invites colleagues to look back on their own journey and to consider whether the same opportunities exist for the younger generation, asking a fundamental question …. what is CUBO going to do about it? Jo Hynes, Chief Operating Officer, Leeds Trinity University

13:00-14:00 Exhibition and Lunch – Hunter Halls

14:00-14:45 Workshops

  • Preview of 2023 Applicant Index - A new cohort of students arrives at university in September – but who are they, and what are their needs, priorities and concerns? Find out in this preview of Unite Students’ forthcoming 2023 Applicant Index report, presented by Jenny Shaw, HE External Engagement Director at Unite Students. Jenny Shaw, HE External Engagement Director Unite Students 
  • People, Place and Partnership: Collaborative operations and delivery models with PBSA - Ulster University People, Place and Partnership: re-thinking student accommodation operating models Ulster University moved 15,000 students and 1,500 staff to a new £390M campus in Belfast in September 2022. The campus development saw the construction of 2,000 new PBSA beds adjacent to the campus operated by three private sector companies. The University's campus build limited its capacity to invest in its own accommodation, so it entered into unique short-term nomination agreements to support first-year and international student guarantees. Delivering support in student accommodation has traditionally been a fixed model, with clear lines of delineation dependent on university vs private-sector operated. As the needs of students become more complex, Ulster University has developed a unique, hybrid approach that emphasises People, Place, and Partnership with Purpose-Built Student Accommodation (PBSA) operators in Belfast. With university staff delivering 24/7 pastoral care and some responsibilities traditionally delivered by PBSA operators, we have enriched the student experience, demonstrated by student feedback and multiple nominations for Global Student Living Awards in 2022-23 and 2023-24. The presentation will deliver a case study on the re-think of the operations and delivery model of accommodation for university students in PBSA. Amanda Castray, Director of Campus Life, Ulster University 
  • The benefits of co-production with students - Every staff member has a role to play when it comes to enhancing the student experience- but what about the student perspective? As pressure grows to provide a top-tier university experience, incorporating students’ voices and ideas into your strategies through co-production is vital to remaining competitive in the sector. This session will explore the benefits of co-production in campus and accommodation experience using case studies from successful co-production programmes at UCL, and there will be an opportunity for peer discussion around how to introduce or improve co-production at your institution.  Sarah West, Head of Marketing, Communications and Experience & Emilia Olsen, Strategy & Experience Manager, UCL
  • Innovation Roadblock? A candid, data-led review of vendor-university innovation across the sector - The landscape of higher education is changing rapidly, with increasing pressure to adapt and adopt new technologies while navigating a host of complex challenges. Because higher education plays a significant role in shaping the world's future leaders and change-makers, innovation should be integrated into its DNA; however, this presents different challenges for the sector. Join us for a thought-provoking discussion on the realities of innovation in higher education and the common roadblocks faced when adopting new initiatives. Kinetic CEO Luke Warren will candidly assess the challenges and pitfalls that can derail innovation. Drawing on his extensive experience and research, Luke will share practical strategies on how institutions can break out of traditional moulds and embrace new approaches to drive innovation.  Luke Warren, CEO, Kinetic

14:45-15:30 Workshops

  • Getting the most out of mentoring - In September 2022 Cubo launched a Mentoring Programme for our members and successfully matched 21 Mentors and Mentees. At Cubo we believe mentoring can supercharge our members careers in many ways, our Commercial Services and Estates mentors can offer guidance, support and feedback on mentees personal and professional development. In this workshop with a panel of Cubo Mentors and Mentees, Melissa will explore the benefits of mentoring, how Cubo can support our members to find a mentor, and how to build a successful mentoring relationship. We will share tips on how to be a good mentee and mentor and how mentorship can be key in supporting you to achieve your personal and professional goals. By the end of this workshop you will have a better understanding of how the Cubo mentoring Programme can supercharge your career and help you create a successful mentoring relationship.  Melissa Browne, Deputy Director of Commercial Services and Estates, University of Kent.
  • Embedding EDI (joint working and tailoring services to enhance the residential experience) - Exploring how the ‘One University’ approach has allowed the Residence Life team at the University of Sheffield to work with stakeholders across Student Services, Accommodation Services and the SU to tailor the residential experience. By engaging with LGBT+ students, students with disabilities, Autistic students, and care leavers the team have tailored the delivery of services to better meet student needs. This has included developing different accommodation provision such as quieter and LBGT+, reviewing the way peer Mentoring is delivered, and adapting pre-arrival and induction processes. Greg Pevy, Residence Life Manager  and Daniel Capewell, Accommodation Office Manager, The University of Sheffield
  • Conduct in Accommodation (Breaching the Licence to Occupy and attendance of mandatory module/s)  - Living in student accommodation may be a new experience. Something which students may have done within their home environment may not be acceptable when living in student accommodation such as vaping in your bedroom, lighting candles, or playing loud music. We have put together three modules, Fire Safety, Anti-Social Behaviour and Illegal Substances which are designed to make the students experience of living in accommodation more meaningful. The modules will enable them to develop the skillset they need to live in a large and diverse community, and understand how their behaviour can affect others, cause damage or potentially be life threatening.  The goal is to assist the student in changing their habits/behaviours.  It is hoped that the student walks away with a new way of thinking. As data has been gathered and referrals are made, the team at Coventry University have been able to highlight the most common trends in license breaches and look at the student ‘re-occurrence’ rates to see how they can be supported and what the next steps are for the student.  Chloe Salisbury, Residence Life Manager and Meg Powers, Residence Life Coordinator, Futurelets at Coventry University
  • Dynamic Leadership in Commercial Services - In a world that is ever-evolving, never more than in recent times, the need for leaders to deliver effective change is essential. This requires dynamic leaders who possess the right skills, knowledge, attitude and behaviour. But what does it mean to be dynamic? This interactive workshop explores what it means, and the criteria required to lead dynamically. Participants will be invited to reflect on their own leadership and to identify and discuss opportunities to become more dynamic within their commercial services teams.  James Ellerby, Senior Consultant, Russell Partnership Collection

15:30-16:00 Exhibition and Refreshments – Hunter Halls

16:00-16:45 Supporting the International Student Experience: Lord Bilimoria of Chelsea CBE DL, Chancellor of the University of Birmingham, President of the UK Council for International Students Affairs (UKCISA) – Bute Hall

This keynote address will explore the value of international students with a particular focus on Indian students. In addition Lord Bilimoria will share insights into culture and the experience of international students in the UK. Without doubt , the economy and current Government policy will be put under the spotlight. As the founder of Cobra Beer , an idea he had when he was a student at Cambridge University , you can also expect key learnings from a successful business entrepreneur.

16:45-17:00 Wrap up and Close

1830-19:30 Awards Dinner Reception, Civic Reception courtesy of Bailie Norman MacLeod and Glasgow City Council – Hunterian Museum

19:30-23:00 Gala Dinner and CUBO Awards Evening – Bute Hall

23:00-01:00 Post Awards Dinner Networking Bar, 1A The Square

Friday 7th July

07:00-10:00 Breakfast for residential guests, Kelvinhaugh Gate

07:00-10:00 Accommodation check out and depart

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